Teachers Get Awarded at the Felicitation Ceremony Organised Through Indian Industries Association

Lucknow: Teachers and educators nourish and prepare students for their future as they are the real icons of knowledge and wisdom. Thus, to acknowledge and celebrate the year’s efforts of our teachers, the students and management of GD Goenka Public School, Lucknow  held a grand ceremony on Teacher’ s Day i.e., September 5, 2024 with great enthusiasm and ardency.

The programme was hosted, organized and carried out by the students singlehandedly. A series of cultural programmes were presented by the students to enthrall the audience, which included Choir, medley of songs and dances, skits and many interactive games. School Head Boy and Head Girl gave the gratitude speech and thanked the teachers and staff for their unconditional love and support with which they have guided them and helped become better versions of themselves.

On this occasion Chairman of the school MrSarveshGoel congratulated all the teachers and Principal Dr. PrernaMitra for giving such good values ​​and education to the students and said that the future of the country is in the hands of the teachers and only they can shape it. Teachers are the inspiration of the students, so a good teacher should always be self-motivated and should be the medium to help the students attain their goals.MrGoel asked all the students to respect their teachers as they are the ones who enlighten their lives.

Principal of the school DrPrernaMitra also paid tribute to DrRadhakrishnan on the occasion and thanked all the teachers of the school for their dedication towards teaching, she said that the credit for the success, the school has achieved, goes to the teachers. She stressed as how teachers have a long-lasting impact on the lives of their students and also that the greatest teachers inspire students towards greatness. With this she asked the students to applaud the teachers for their contribution, dedication and assiduousness.

To recognize the hard-work and endeavours of the teachers in honing the personalities of students, the school in association with Indian Industries Association, organized a Felicitation Ceremony and awarded the chosen teachers for their commendable performance during the year. The awards were handed over by IIA Chairman Mr Vikas Khanna, Chairman GD Goenka Lucknow Mr Sarvesh Goel and Principal Dr Prerna Mitra.

Taking the celebrations a notch further an after party for the teachers was organized by the management, where everyone let themselves loose and danced to the tunes. Many fun filled activities and games were arranged for the teachers and they were awarded with some very interesting titles too. Such gatherings provide an opportunity to everyone to mingle with each other and have some light moments. A sumptuous spread of dishes savoured the taste buds of all. The staff and teachers thanked the management for making this day unforgettable and enjoyable.

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